
Showing posts from April, 2021

Nullifying The Nullifidian

Nullifying The Nullifidian    The nullifidian in this context can be appreciated as a catch-all term or symbolic representative of all those with an aversion to religion, and to some degree, God. This grouping includes atheists, agnostics, freethinkers and other forms, combinations and manifestations of supposed irreligiosity. These peculiar groupings have manifested as a religion in their own right. For example, those who say they do not believe in religion, belong to the religion of those who claim not to believe in religion. Also, those who say they do not believe in God, belong to the religion of those who claim not to believe in God. This extrapolative definition is applicable to any group of people, wherever they may exist. From the perspective of the nullifidian, the ‘religious’ dilemma becomes even more problematic particularly because of the laxity or lack of articulated set of rules. There are many human beings existing across the globe who can carry on their daily activi

P.R.I.S.M: Primal Religious Instruction Serving Mankind (Book)

I present to you my book P.R.I.S.M: Primal Religious Instruction Serving Mankind. The paperback version of the book is currently available on Amazon (see links below).  After the coronavirus manifested in 2020, I decided to reflect on life, as I have always done, but from a different perspective. The lockdown afforded the opportunity to be more productive and finally accomplish certain objectives I hadn't the time to execute before the coronavirus outbreak. During the past year, I have lost acquaintances, relatives and family. Those who are still alive, are not better than the dead. Death can befall anyone at anytime - it's no respecter of age, status or wealth. Certain events buttress the ephemerality of life.  Guaranteed, 100 years from now, everyone reading these words at this very moment, will be dead and gone! Therefore, bickering over if or when there's a judgement day, does not change the reality of death. Our primary concern should be when we die, because our death